Every year the SCDC Board of Directors encourages center parents to sign up and participate on a board committee.
The standing committees of the Board are:
The Executive Committee
This committee consists of the officers of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director. This committee has authority to act for the Board of Directors (between meetings of the Board) in the management of the affairs of the corporation.
This committee is responsible for the development, revision, and support of the children’s program, accreditation, and evaluation.
This committee, chaired by the Treasurer, is responsible for development and administration of a sound fiscal policy for the corporation.
Personnel and Policies
This committee is responsible for the development and revision of corporate policies and personnel procedures.
This committee, chaired by the Vice-President, is responsible for the development and revision of the constitution and by-laws of the corporation.
Diversity and Family Engagement
This committee is responsible for proposing initiatives to ensure that the classrooms and Center adequately reflect the diversity that exists amongst families and staff.
Fund Development
This committee is responsible for implementing and managing fundraising initiatives within and for the benefit of the Center.