Weekly Menu

Menu for week of
December 9 – December 13

Monday 12/9/2019 — Friday 12/13/2019

* (denotes home-made item)

* Denotes homemade item


Breakfast: Cheerios/ Chex cereal, apples, milk Snack: Animal crackers, yogurt Lunch: Bean & cheese enchiladas*, broccoli, oranges, milk


Breakfast: Whole grain bagels with cream cheese, oranges, milk Snack: Ritz crackers, soy butter Lunch: Spaghetti*, salad with dressing, honeydew melon, milk


Breakfast: Turkey sausage breakfast sandwich*, bananas, milk Snack: Whole grain Goldfish crackers, oranges Lunch: Veggie quickie burrito*, cucumbers, pineapple, milk


Breakfast: Whole grain pancakes with syrup, applesauce, milk Snack: Saltine crackers and string cheese Lunch: Chicken casserole*, peas and carrots, cantaloupe, milk


Breakfast: Cream of wheat*, oranges, milk Snack: Tortilla chips with salsa, milk Lunch: Quinoa salad*, corn, apples, milk